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Why do we 'love Russia'?

children playing outside

We’re often asked about our charity’s name and why we stick with it even in the current times.

In this blog we will try to answer that question.

Needs Ignored by the Rest of the World: Jesus deeply cares for people experiencing trauma - abuse, addiction, abandonment etc. Russia’s history and current struggles have created an overwhelming need, yet many hesitate to help due to its global reputation.

A Call to Love: Loving people from an ‘enemy’ nation is counter-cultural - yet, as Christians, we are called to love all. Jesus modelled this on the cross by saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Jesus' love for others, despite His pain, still impacts the world today.

A Chance to Change the Narrative: Russians are told the West is hostile, a belief reinforced by a lack of compassion. We can’t change an entire country’s mindset, but our projects show Westerners acting with love and countering the propaganda.

We asked supporters ‘Why do you love Russia?’

A verse in John says ‘God so loved the world’.' I think we can safely surmise that ‘the world’ includes Russia. And if God loves Russia, then we, His followers, are called to do the same. That’s not to say we must love what the Kremlin does! God loves Russia, He surely does.” - Kate

"Russia has been on my heart since age 16 while learning the language. As time passed a calling to love and support God’s kingdom there. Through visits to orphanages, I felt a great weight of love for the people and a desire to help – it’s been with me ever since.” - Will

"Many children, teenagers and adults get left behind in Russia. These are the very types of people that Jesus supported." - Denise

"My support goes back to learning of children in dilapidated orphanages and when I read about suffering due to domestic violence, alcohol and drugs, disability and poverty, my heart goes out to them. If the regime devotes more money to 'defence', there will be less for this disadvantaged society." - John

We’d love to hear why you ‘Love Russia’— let’s keep the conversation going!


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