Every two months the Love Russia staff and supporters meet together over Zoom for 30 minutes. We spend around 20 minutes of this in open prayer together - it's an encouraging time knowing that 'where two or three are gathered' (Matthew 18:20), our Father in Heaven is there among us.
What do we pray about?
On these Wednesday evenings, we pray for :
🙏our projects,
🙏the individuals who rely on them,
🙏the wonderful people who run each project,
🙏and of course, we pray for peace.
Everyone is welcome, so please reply to this email if you would like to join us.
Zoom works well across devices such as your phone, tablet or computer - all you need is the link that we'll send you. And, if we're expecting you to join us, we will email you an up-to-date list of prayer needs and news we want to give thanks for.
The next scheduled prayer meeting is on Wednesday 5th March at 7pm.