Working with orphans can be uncomfortable, joyful and sometimes heartbreaking. Slava told us about a typical day in ministry.
He planned to give orphanage leaver Alexei work experience. Alexei arrived smelling unbearably bad due to no working shower in his run-down flat. So, Slava pointed him to the church’s shower, gave him clean socks and rescheduled.

Slava then planned to collect an excited group from the local orphanage for a cinema trip, but the temperature had dropped to -25°C and the minibus wouldn't start so he drove two 40-minute round trips using his car just to see their happy faces!
That evening Pavel, an orphanage leaver he mentors, rang. Pavel told Slava his life is worthless and was considering enlisting in the army - what other options did he have? Slava’s heart sank. All he could do was pray with him.
Your help has been vital so thank you. When orphanage leavers trust Slava, it's pivotal for their well-being and safety.