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A Mother's Prayer

Mens Crisis Centre

Mikah is a young adult whose life was out of control. He’d lost his way living a chaotic life full of drugs, parties and bad company. Mikah frequently ended up in hospital having overdosed on drugs. His mum had been praying for him for a long time.

At some point he’d lost his passport and identity documents so claiming benefits was impossible and accessing medical support was difficult. His mum had tried everything to reach out to him and help him change but to no avail.

One day he was badly beaten whilst on a train. This resulted in two broken legs and he was admitted to hospital. Even then he remained resistant to help to change his lifestyle.

In a terrible state, Mikah's mum called the Crisis Centres crying in desperation for her son. At the end of her tether she had no idea how to help him any more. Alina who manages the Crisis Centres agreed to call Mikah, but he responded with little interest and refused help yet again.

Months later, there was finally an answer to prayer. Now he was ready for change and knowing where he could get help, Mikah called Alina back!

Mikah arrived at the Men’s Crisis Centre in March. He began their drug and alcohol rehabilitation programme and they helped him get new identity documents.

Today, just a few months later, Mikah is ready to leave the Men’s Crisis Centre. He has turned his life around and is going to rent an apartment with his mum. She will be relieved that all her tears and prayers for him have been worth it!


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*The names of individuals we help have been changed for their protection and privacy.
Love Russia Charity in partnership with...
Evangelical Aliance
Caring Hands
Heart for Orphans
SAC Orphans
Stoneworks International

Registered Charity: 1092154

Company Number: 04222680

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