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Meet the people working together to make our projects the best they can be!

Anna Avatar_simpsons.jpg



As CEO of our charity operations, Anna has her hands full! Thankfully she is super organised and makes sure we are up to date with the legalities of running a charity. Among her many duties, she keeps us connected to our Russian counterparts and keeps the rest of us goal focused with our fundraising. In her spare time, she loves running, making brownies and an early night!

Angie Avatar_simpsons.jpg


Office and Accounts Assistant

As our office lady, Angie answers the phone to supporters and is our chief thanker of donations. Angie loves nothing more than getting creative through her crafts. She also gives the best hugs in the world!

Helen Avatar_simpsons.jpg


Publicity & Media Officer

Having started work for Love Russia in 2009, Helen is the longest-running member of our UK staff to date. She looks after the website and her ‘arty’ skills have the magazine and advertising covered. When not at her desk she loves digging the veggie patch, walking her little dog and eating fish and chips at the beach.

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Director of Finance and Deputy CEO

Simon is our numbers man. He makes sure we are financially compliant and keeps us on our toes to meet our monthly fundraising targets! Outside of work, Simon loves spending time with his grandchildren and feeling the wind in his hair while riding his motorbike.

Alina Avatar_simpsons.jpg


Crisis Centre Ministry

Alina began helping addicted mothers from her spare room! Her ministry has grown phenomenally and now includes refuge from domestic abuse. Her calm nature is a blessing and her bravery at always saying yes to God's plans blows our minds! Her rare spare moments are spent with her five children or planning a much-needed holiday.

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Pastoral Ministry

Roman is a Christian family counselor and pastor of a church that the crisis centre is part of. As Pastor he is kept busy caring for this community. He has been instrumental in helping Alina grow the Women's Crisis Centre and Genya with the Men’s Crisis Centre. Playing board games with friends and family provides him time to unwind!



Crisis Centre Ministry

Genya was helped out of addiction and became a Christian at the very centre that he now manages. Under his watch the shelter for men has moved from a dilapidated run-down building to the old women’s centre building where he takes in and helps homeless, elderly and addicted men. Genya also pioneered the soup kitchen that feeds their homeless community at least twice a week.

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Youth Work Ministry

Seeing her parents strive to help the vulnerable, Dasha was driven to do something specific for children. In homes where addiction and domestic abuse has, or still is, affecting development, children need love, nurture and guidance which she has to give in spades. With Dasha at the helm, we’re taking her youth group to the next level so that refuge, basic needs, education and support will be available 24/7.



Youth Work Ministry

Artyom has joined his wife Dasha in her passion for helping vulnerable children. As a supportive helper he loves playing sports with the children, throwing them birthday parties and is even willing to make up dance routines with the girls!



Orphan Ministry

Slava is a pastor who, through his connections with a local orphanage and a college where many orphans reside, guides vulnerable young people during a pivotal time in their lives when independence is thrust upon them. He does this through friendships, often facilitated by football and pizza! Slava is passionate about sharing God’s love with everyone he encounters, and in his spare time, he enjoys a bit of late-night hockey.

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Disability Support Ministry

Ira, alongside her late husband Yuri, began working extra hours at a college to facilitate a skills workshop for a group of disabled young adults around 30 years ago. Passionate about giving opportunities to this sadly ignored people group, her Christian compassion has changed the lives of many disabled young adults who all love her dearly.

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Support Group Leader

Galina is a mum and a teacher. In a previous community role, she encountered many young orphan girls who became mothers. With no one to learn from they struggled to adapt - so she formed a support group! Always available for advice and practical needs, Galina knows each of her mums and their children well and fulfills the role of a parent they all really needed. Galina is also a keen gardener and grower of vegetables!

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Alina Z

Support Group Leader

Alina is a young mum herself and has known many of the orphan mums she cares for since they were young through her parents orphan ministry. Today she is a close friend to them and instigates Bible study with her orphan mums who all live in poverty. Alina is a talented interior designer and also loves spending time at her parents’ farm with her sisters, nieces and nephews. 

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Support Group Leader

Luba is a caring woman we’ve supported for many years. Previously she visited vulnerable young girls living in a detention centres. When this door closed she began supporting a small group of female orphanage leavers who look to her like their own grandmother.

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