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This refuge and rehabilitation centre is transforming the lives of countless women and their children who are escaping domestic violence or facing addiction, homelessness, and poverty.

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Each support group is a safe space for orphan mums whose traumatic pasts cause them difficulties today. Here they can be open about their problems and receive the  emotional and practical support they need.

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At a rare facility dedicated to the development of adults with learning disabilities, people who would otherwise be forgotten are learning skills and finding their potential.

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Leaving the orphanage system is daunting, especially when you face the prospect of being homeless. We support the running of accommodation that can step into this gap. 

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At this refuge and rehabilitation centre, homeless and addicted men are offered hope, and the abandoned find belonging.

Health issues can at last be dealt with and a life with purpose introduced.  

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This project is a group for children and teens from troubled homes, where addictions, neglect and poverty have hugely impacted their early years.

Here they can find stability and a loving environment.

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A team of volunteers go out into the community at least twice a week to serve soup, offering shoes and warm clothing to people in need.

*The names of individuals we help have been changed for their protection and privacy.
Love Russia Charity in partnership with...
Evangelical Aliance
Caring Hands
Heart for Orphans
SAC Orphans
Stoneworks International

Registered Charity: 1092154

Company Number: 04222680

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